Pre-participation screenings allow an athlete or competitor to ensure that they are performing the correct training to enhance their performance in their chosen sports arena reducing the risks of injury associated with physical activity.

Typically a screening would be performed prior to the start of a training phase and/or prior to a competitive phase to highlight any injury risk areas. Following screenings, an injury risk profile would be created with appropriate injury prevention programmes being created.

Typical screenings that can be performed are:


Musculoskeletal screenings

This involves the assessment of joint mobility and muscle strength to ensure that there are no specific movement restrictions or muscle weaknesses present that can lead to acute or chronic sports injuries or physical complaint.

Typically the musculoskeletal screenings performed at Rob Leather Physiotherapy consist of a range of joint mobility and muscle flexibility tests followed by muscle strength and endurance testing

These screening tests allow the therapist to identify any abnormal patterns of joint movement or weakness within specific muscle groups. Results from the screening will be presented back to the participant in the form of an injury risk profile with the appropriate injury prevention exercise programme being advised

The Musculoskeletal screenings offered at the clinic are tailored for the sport and the level of performer.

Biomechanical screenings

Biomechanics studies and assesses how the body moves. Biomechanical screening looks at the patterns of movement your body produces in relation to the task being undertaken, for example, golf swing or a running gait pattern

Within the clinic and the Fitness Suite at Rob Leather Physiotherapy we are able to provide highly detailed biomechanical screenings using modern technology with the aim of identifying any areas of need with regards to the quality of movements required by your sport.

Gait Analysis

  • looking at the movement of the body whilst walking and running – identifying any altered movement patterns due to specific muscle weakness or imbalances as well as looking at the effect of appropriate footwear
  • aiming to identify specific injury risk concerns within the gait patterns identified


Gait analysis identifies your patterns of movement that are associated with the pelvis and lower limb whilst walking or running. This screening identifies any abnormal movement patterns of the feet, knees, hip and lower back, with the aid of video analysis using super slow-motion muscle weaknesses or restrictions are identified.

Following the screening the client will be provided with an appropriate plan of management to enhance performance and efficiency of the gait pattern as well as preventing injury or recovering from any presenting complaints.

If needed the therapists at Rob Leather Physiotherapy may refer you onto further specialists such as a Podiatrist in the event that we feel you would benefit from further interventions such as orthotics/insoles.

Physical competency screening

  • This is specific to a developing athlete/ adolescent where the key fundamentals of athletic movement patterns can be assessed.
  • There are key fundamental movement patterns and physical attributes that enhance physical performance as an athlete develops – this screening will identify areas of need for individual athletes, allowing for a specific training programme to be developed to reduce long term injury risk

Throwing and Cricket Fast Bowling analysis

  • Due to the extensive experience gained from working on professional cricket for over 10 years analysis of techniques involved in throwing and cricket bowling can be undertaken
  • This analysis of technique will identify specific movement patterns and identify areas of development to enhance technical excellence – this will look at joint mobility and muscle strength and control
  • These screenings are not aiming to change technical deficiencies that would need specific coaching from a sports coach


Fast Bowling is like no other skilled movement pattern in world sports. It puts a great deal of stress on the lower back, ankles and knees and is highly repetitive. Young developing fast bowlers, therefore, have an increased risk of developing stress fractures of the lumbar spine for a number of factors; the bowler’s age, the amount of bowling being performed, poor technique, insufficient muscle strength or a combination of all these factors

The therapists at Rob Leather Physiotherapy have vast experience and skill in analysing fast-bowling actions. Within this screening the team would identify any risk factors developing with a fast bowler, looking at workloads (overs bowled), strength levels, and action types with the use of video analysis.

Workload (overs bowled) and injury prevention plans would be set up for the client to ensure that all the risk factors associated with fast bowling are addressed.


Throwing and racquet sports carry a high risk of injury to the upper limb and shoulder joints.

Screening of the upper limb movement patterns, strength and control as well as analysis of your technique will provide the therapists with insight into any areas of concern that need addressing.

Common painful complaints around the shoulder are associated with reduced muscle strength and control and poor shoulder positioning (posture). These factors are easily identifiable with screening and technical analysis of the skill (e.g. tennis serve or throw).

The skilled therapists at Rob Leather Physiotherapy use video analysis as well as a throwing screening adapted from professional baseball in the USA. Again, this assists us to make the best decisions on how to develop your technique, treat or prevent any painful conditions that you may be susceptible to.